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    The Todra gorges, towering walls, its orange-red compact limestone, Morocco a friendly country, hospitable people ... Yes many of us plan to go climb over there during our cold, damp days of winter. Indeed, the climate is very favorable for climbing in the heart of winter with its 18 ° C average in day. What is less known is that you can climb all year round in the gorges. The many sectors with various orientations still have routes in the shade.


About 15 years ago, the gorges were at the end of the world. Where the road was stopped, began Gorges and tranquility that climbers love. Since then a road through the gorge was built and the beauty of the place makes it a must for tour operators when the road is not damaged by the floods. So some climbers are nostalgic for the good old days ... In fact, tourists are present only on two sectors rinds on which it is strategic to come climb in late afternoon when the tourists are gone. On many other sectors we climb in tranquility and we never waited in line at the foot routes! And at the top of the Aiguille du Gué, some may have fun watching these tourists gesticulating like ants that would express surprise and admiration ... 


Todra (or Todgha) gorges entrance  

The area now has 350 routes spread over many sectors. Single pitch of all levels (from 4b to 8c), multi pitch bolted routes (up to 350m) and traditional climbing in this limestone to the well-known adherence that will delight lovers of slabs holes and other drops exotic water and many others.

     A local structure "Vertical Adventures Morocco" based at the entrance of the gorge has signed an agreement with the municipality, the Tinghir province and the Ministry of Moroccan tourism to manage and systematicly re-bolt routes that need it. There are no relays chained everywhere and for a few clearly marked routes in the topo there should be links and straps but gradually it changes and the quality of the equipment will conform to sites contracted by FFME medium term in France.

So to contribute to the development of climbing in the Gorges: just buy the guide bookwink

Two guide books are available for this amazing area :

1) The new digital and ethical guide book available on iPhone ClimbingAway application (with free and automatic updates, as usual).

2) For those who prefer the good old paper guidebooks, he has just been published in 2014. It is available on site at the village of Tizgui to Vertical Adventures Morocco shop located 400m before the entrance of the gorge. It can also be ordered on their website www.escalade-au-maroc.com

    In addition to the equipment and management of the area, this structure also offers trips made by qualified local guides and climbing equipment to buy or lease.

     All practical information on travel and accommodation are on Gorges du Toghda page.

See you soon on Gorges "Inch Allah" ! :)